Showing posts with label Disneyland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disneyland. Show all posts

Friday 11 October 2013

California Medical Association - Uses Clout To Water Down/Defeat Safety Measures -in Sacramento

#AceHealthNews - Comment: News and Views - Email: Ace News Group

We couldn't let them get away with it.  The California Medical Association used its clout to water down or defeat tough patient safety measures in Sacramento. That's why we are in Disneyland at the medical association's convention today fighting back by releasing a short, funny musical video.

"Pee In A Cup The Musical Part I" points out that police, firefighters, bus drivers, and Disney workers all must submit to drug testing, but not doctors. Not yet.

We're driving around Disneyland all weekend with a mobile billboard truck playing the ad. Watch the first part of "Pee In A Cup" today here, and return to see the next parts over the next two days. Or signup to receive them in your email.

The confab in the Magic Kingdom is a perfect metaphor for the fantasyland the state's medical establishment has been living in when it comes to threats to patients today.

Governor Jerry Brown recently vetoed a simple bill sending coroners' reports about prescription drug overdose deaths to the state medical board because the doctors undermined it. Legislation mandating that doctors check the electronic prescription drug database, known as CURES, about a patients' history before prescribing narcotics didn't make it out of the California Senate because the medical association stopped it.

The only prognosis is that while today's doctors are dealing with modern problems the Medical Association is still stuck in Walt Disney's 1950s mentality that physicians should never be told what to do or have anyone looking over their shoulder, even if it's a coroner.

Substance abuse among doctors runs as high as 18% of physicians according to the California Medical Board.

The Medical Association has long sought to coddle physicians who abuse alcohol and drugs.

One father, who lost two young children to an addict's driving and reckless prescribing, has had enough. Bob Pack is now circulating a ballot measure to require mandatory drug and alcohol testing for doctors and modernize patient safety laws.

Nothing is likely to shake the doctors in Disneyland so much as having to pee in a cup.

Watch the video and let your doctor know what you think.

Thanks for all you do,


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