Sunday 4 December 2011

Re: Government plans to share NHS patient details with private sector 'rings alarm bells'

Re: Government plans to share NHS patient details with private sector 'rings alarm bells': In addition to the well-founded concerns over whether such data will remain private or will be sold on, much as credit card and password details are sold internationally by criminals, does going down this path mean that some hospital patients will now unwittingly be part of medical trials for which eg students have been paid in the past? -- Trials that have in some casese led to death or serioius health effects in previously healthy young paid volunteers. If a consultant suggests a patient needs a "cutting edge drug treatment" will the patient be told the subtext where necessary in terms of trials/financial trannsactions/risks etc?is sometimes only years after a new drug is introduced that sometimes fatal impacts are known and the drug withdrawn. Guinea Pigs R Us

This is our opinion and feelings about the the posts added to this blog by ourselves and writers who have asked to write on our blog network and does not necessarily represent our agreement or disagreement with the writers concerned.Please add #AceHealthNews to your tweets and follow us on twitter at and quality healthcare. Thank you, Ian

Re: Government plans to share NHS patient details with private sector 'rings alarm bells'

Re: Government plans to share NHS patient details with private sector 'rings alarm bells': This is just another way of this government getting privatisation through the back door. But we should say NO know and keep our health records private to us. No wonder my mother received details about her records and whether she wanted them computerised, sneaky.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Black Licorice: Trick or Treat?

Black Licorice: Trick or Treat?: Days before Halloween, federal regulators have a word of caution about an old fashioned candy treat---licorice.

This is our opinion and feelings about the the posts added to this blog by ourselves and writers who have asked to write on our blog network and does not necessarily represent our agreement or disagreement with the writers concerned.Please add #AceHealthNews to your tweets and follow us on twitter at and quality healthcare. Thank you, Ian

Recall Notification Report 087-2011

Recall Notification Report 087-2011: Original Fried Pies, Inc., a Davis, Okla., establishment, is recalling approximately 8,888 pounds of frozen meat and poultry pie products because they are misbranded and contain sodium benzoate, a food preservative, which does not appear on package labels and is not approved for use as an added ingredient in meat and poultry products.

This is our opinion and feelings about the the posts added to this blog by ourselves and writers who have asked to write on our blog network and does not necessarily represent our agreement or disagreement with the writers concerned.Please add #AceHealthNews to your tweets and follow us on twitter at and quality healthcare. Thank you, Ian

Cranberry Juice Beats Extract for Fighting Infection

Cranberry Juice Beats Extract for Fighting Infection: cranberry juice natural medicine photo
Photo: Half Chinese/CC BY 2.0

Just between you and me, ladies, what do you do when you feel that irritating burn, knowing it can only mean a urinary tract infection?

Do you run to the doctor's office for antibiotics, only to fight the yeast infection that sets in when drugs knock other systems out of balance? Then you probably haven't heard yet that cranberries can fight infections naturally, and very effectively.

If you reach for the cranberry extract, then you too will be ...Read the full story on TreeHugger

This is our opinion and feelings about the the posts added to this blog by ourselves and writers who have asked to write on our blog network and does not necessarily represent our agreement or disagreement with the writers concerned.Please add #AceHealthNews to your tweets and follow us on twitter at and quality healthcare. Thank you, Ian

President Obama’s Startup America Initiative Helps Agricultural Innovation Create Economic Opportunity

President Obama’s Startup America Initiative Helps Agricultural Innovation Create Economic Opportunity

As Chief Scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), it is my privilege to lead the talented researchers and scientists throughout the department. USDA scientists work to solve some of the world’s biggest problems in preserving our health through nutrition, feeding a growing planet, and managing our precious land, water, and energy resources. Every day, I am impressed by the innovation and accomplishments of our scientists. It is innovation and dedication of this kind that fuels economic growth and the creation of new industries, businesses, jobs, products, and services.

One major driver of successful innovation is technology transfer—the private sector adoption of research outcomes—of federally-funded research from universities and federal laboratories to the marketplace.

Often, research performed by federal scientists or supported by the federal government is leveraged by the private sector to serve the broader public. It creates jobs, spurs economic growth and enhances global competitiveness of the U.S. agriculture sector.

Today, this type of innovation is more critical than ever. That is why I’m so excited for President Obama’s Startup America initiative.

In a recently released memo, the President has directed all federal departments and agencies conducting research and development to accelerate commercialization of federally-funded research and to reduce barriers to the formation of high-growth businesses. The President’s memo directs USDA and others to improve this process by establishing and tracking performance metrics, streamlining administrative processes, and facilitating local and regional partnerships to accelerate the transfer and commercialization of technology.

In remarks earlier this week, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack urged Congress to find ways to support federal research.

“Studies have shown that public investments in agricultural research earn a 20 dollars-to-1 return of investment in the U.S. economy,” said Vilsack. “Once that information is disseminated to farmers, ranchers, and producers, they take it and make it work. And these benefits extend beyond just economic returns. Research also leads to improved soil and water and air quality, and they help us to design strategies that will enable us to deal with the impacts of the changing climate.”

At USDA, I’m especially excited to advance our Agricultural Technology Innovation Partnership program (ATIP), where USDA partners with established economic development organizations across the country. While federal R&D agencies only have authority and expertise to transfer “technical capabilities” to private businesses, our ATIP partners, or “intermediaries,” like the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO), have the assets that help companies succeed: business mentors, links to entrepreneurship schools, manufacturing assistance, and access to fiscal resources to ensure these companies are successful at taking our science-based innovations to the market.

A great example of this is in the creation of CrispTek, Inc., in Columbia, Md. This business used an innovation from USDA’s New Orleans laboratory for a rice-based batter flour and combined it with a business plan developed by an entrepreneur class at Howard Community College in Maryland which identified the value of gluten-free products to people suffering from Celiac’s Disease. Two class members and another investor formed the company, licensed the technology, received start up funds from TEDCO, and sold their first products at an event in Baltimore just 8 months later. In the past three years, this product has expanded to over 500 stores nationwide.

Recently, TEDCO and USDA partnered to hold a number of regional events throughout Maryland, called Rural Agriculture and Business Innovation Forums. The goal of these forums is to provide rural farmers and businesses with solutions to help address their regional agricultural problems. Based on the initial successes, next year these forums will be piloted nationally by the ATIP members in conjunction with USDA researchers, cooperative extension service, community leaders, and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership program from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

As President Obama’s Startup America initiative takes effect, USDA will continue to ensure that federally-funded innovations from research are adopted by the private sector to produce goods and services, jobs and greater opportunity for all Americans.

This is our opinion and feelings about the the posts added to this blog by ourselves and writers who have asked to write on our blog network and does not necessarily represent our agreement or disagreement with the writers concerned.Please add #AceHealthNews to your tweets and follow us on twitter at and quality healthcare. Thank you, Ian


ACTUALITY: VILSACK STATEMENT ON BLACK FARMER SETTLEMENT APPROVAL: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack with comments on a federal judge's final approval of a 1.2 billion dollar settlement in the second round of settlements in the so called Pigford case. This settlement is directed to farmers who were denied payments in the first round because they missed the filing deadlines. The settlements in the case are over claims that some black farmers received unfair treatment by the USDA. The lawsuit was filed in 1997.

This is our opinion and feelings about the the posts added to this blog by ourselves and writers who have asked to write on our blog network and does not necessarily represent our agreement or disagreement with the writers concerned.Please add #AceHealthNews to your tweets and follow us on twitter at and quality healthcare. Thank you, Ian